Sharad Pawar

English Translation-  ( Please read the important instructions which are at the bottom before reading the translation.) Sharad Pa...

English Translation- 

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Sharad Pawar

Sharad Govindrao Pawar (12th December, 1940), a prominent leader of Maharashtra, is a diplomat politician. C. 1978 to AD 1980s 1988 to 1991 and c. From 1993 to 2006 During the period 1995, he was the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Being separated from Indian National Congress Party He is the President of the Nationalist Congress Party, founded in 1999.

Shri Saheb was born on December 12, 1940 in Baramati, Pune district. In 1956, when he was in school, he organized a students' rally to show support for the Goa Mukti Satyagraha. From here, his political career started. After that he worked as a leader of student organization while in college. He invited Maharashtra Chief Minister Yashwantrao Chavan for a function organized by the student organization. Yashwantrao Chavan was very impressed by the remarks made by Sharad Pawar. After Chavan's suggestion, Pawar Saheb joined the Youth Congress. Chavan became the leader of Pawar's helpless leader and then Pawar Saheb became his disciple. After that, Chavan invited Pawar to meet him during his visit to Pune City, and he guided him several times. At the age of 24, he became the President of the Maharashtra State Youth Congress. He was then seen as a political heir of Yashwantrao Chavan.

In 1966 Pawar Saheb got a UNESCO scholarship. Under this, he was able to study countries of West Germany, France, Italy, England, etc. and closely followed the methods of building political parties and their parties.

First time In the state assembly elections of 1967, he won from Baramati constituency. He became a minister of state in the Cabinet of Shri Vasantrao Naik at the age of 29 years. C. 1972 and c. He won in the elections of 1978. C. Vasantdada Patil became the Chief Minister after the 1978 elections. Along with Yashwantrao Chavan, Vasantdada Patil was the guide of Sharad Pawar.

Sharad Pawar Saheb was sworn in as Chief Minister of Maharashtra on July 18, 1978. With Pawar, 12 MLAs from Congress (Indira) party, Congress (Samajwadi Party) and Janata Party's alliance led by Progressive Democracy Party and its leader became Pawar. He was the youngest chief minister of the state. After Indira Gandhi's return to power in the year 1980, she sacked the state governments of opposition parties. In it Pawar's government was also sacked. June In the 1980's, Vidhan Sabha elections were held. Congress (Indira) won 186 out of 288 seats and barrister Abdul Rahman Antulay became the new Chief Minister of the state. Sharad Pawar was the main opposition leader in the Legislative Assembly.

The Lok Sabha elections of 1984 were contested by Pawar, and he was elected to the Lok Sabha. Opposition parties in the wave of sympathy created after Indira Gandhi's assassination could win only 5 out of 48 seats in the state. It included Pawar's Baramati constituency. But he did not want to stay in the state politics due to lack of national politics. He won the State Assembly election in March 1985 from Baramati and resigned from the Lok Sabha constituency. In that assembly elections, Pawar's Congress (S) party won 54 out of 288 seats and Pawar was the Leader of the Opposition in the state assembly.

After 9 years in 1987, Sharad Pawar returned to the Congress (Indira) constituency in Aurangabad in the presence of Rajiv Gandhi. In June 1988, Prime Minister and Congress President Rajiv Gandhi appointed Maharashtra Chief Minister Shankarrao Chavan as the Finance Minister in the Union Council of Ministers. In his place, Rajiv Gandhi appointed Sharad Pawar as the Chief Minister of the state. June 26 He took oath for the second time as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra in 1988. Earlier, Congress party did not face much challenge in the state. But Balasaheb Thackeray's Shivsena Party was alluding to the Bharatiya Janata Party, and challenged the Congress party for many years. Pawar was responsible for maintaining the dominance of the Congress party in the face of such a challenge.

The Congress party won 28 of the 48 seats in the Lok Sabha elections held in November 1989. In the states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, the party was not affected by the conquest of Maharashtra. But The party won 15 seats less than in 1984. Shiv Sena entered the Lok Sabha for the first time, winning 4 seats. The Bharatiya Janata Party won 10 seats and won a lot. Because of the good performance of the Lok Sabha elections, the confidence of the members of both the Shiv Sena and the Bharatiya Janata Party got a boost. February for the state assembly Elections will be held in 1990. Shiv Sena's chief Balasaheb Thakre took a big challenge in front of Congress in the state assembly. In the state assembly elections, the Congress party won 141 out of 288 seats and the Shiv Sena-BJP combine won 94 seats. For the first time since the formation of the state Congress party lost the majority in the Assembly. Still, on the support of 12 Independents, Sharad Pawar took oath as the Chief Minister for the third time on March 4th, 1990.

In the 1991 parliamentary elections, Pawar campaigned extensively in Congress state. The party won 38 out of 48 seats in the state and in the 1989 elections, partly reimbursed it. Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during the election campaign. There have been reports that with Mr.PVRansingh Rao and Arjun Singh, Pawar's name is also in the race for PM. However, Congress Parliamentary Party chose Mr. PV Narasimha Rao as the Leader and he was sworn in as the Prime Minister of India on June 21, 1991.

Narasimha Rao appointed Pawar Saheb as the Defense Minister in the Union Council of Ministers. June 26 In 1991, he was sworn in as the Union Minister for the first time. Sudhakarrao Naik was elected as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Sudhakarrao Naik had to resign due to internal differences in state Congress. Then Narasimha Rao again appointed Sharad Pawar as the Chief Minister of the state. On March 6, 1993, he took office as the Chief Minister of the state for the fourth time.

Until the 1996 Lok Sabha elections, Pawar was the Leader of Opposition in the State Legislative Council. In the 1996 Lok Sabha elections, he won from Baramati, and then he came in national politics. June In 1997, he contested elections against Sitaram Kesari in the presidential election, but lost.

In the 1998 Lok Sabha elections, he decided to take pre-election with the Republican Party and the Samajwadi Party in the state. This led to the split of the Shiv Sena-BJP alliance and the Congress-Republican Party and the Samajwadi Party won 37 out of 48 seats. Shiv Sena-BJP alliance had to settle for 10 seats. After that, Sharad Pawar became Leader of the Opposition in the 12th Lok Sabha.

With the dissolution of the 12th Lok Sabha in May 1999, Sharad Pawar demanded that with the consent of PA Sangma and Tariq Anwar, the Congress party should declare the leader of the Indian-born Sonia Gandhi as the Prime Minister of the country for the 13th Lok Sabha elections. Congress President Sonia Gandhi In the letter, the three said, "Higher education, skilled And eligibility is linked to the number of persons who will meet from 9 to 8 million people in the government led by any person born outside India, the country nahikarana this country's security, economic interests and the identity of all Indians in India with global politics of the image. 'That is why Congress Party has removed Sharad Pawar, PA Sangma and Tariq Anwar from the party for six years.

Then on June 10, 1999 Sharad Pawar formed his 'Nationalist Congress Party'. After the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections in 1999, no party or coalition got majority. Vilasrao Deshmukh became the new Chief Minister of the state after Congress and NCP emerged.

After the 2004 Lok Sabha elections, Pawar's NCP joined the coalition led government led by Manmohan Singh. Sharad Pawar took over as the country's agriculture minister on May 22, 2004. In the Union Cabinet on 29 May 200 9, he was given the charge of agriculture, consumer related matters, food and public distribution. Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh said that he wants to give more time to the party after accepting the presidency of the International Cricket Council in July 2010. He has requested Manmohan Singh to reduce his workload.

Cricket is also Pawar's favorite area along with politics. On 29 November 2005, he was elected president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India. On 1 July 2010, he became the President of International Cricket Council. Jagmohan Dalmiya is the second Indian to hold this post.

Pawar Saheb has an active relationship with the education sector too. Some of the important educational institutions in which they have participated in the work of the following are:

Vidya Pratishthan, Baramati

Agricultural Development Establishment, Baramati

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara

Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manj

(Important Notice- We are trying to improve translations in English. If there are any suggestions, mistakes, changes, please send us an email to This is not intended to hurt anyone's feelings.)
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History of Maharashtra in English: Sharad Pawar
Sharad Pawar
History of Maharashtra in English
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