Saint Goroba Kumbhar

English Translation-  ( Please read the important instructions which are at the bottom before reading the translation.) Saint Dnyane...

English Translation- 

(Please read the important instructions which are at the bottom before reading the translation.)

Saint Dnyaneshwar has the spiritual right to decide on 'How big a spiritual power' in Saint-Godavari, the eldest - Gorobakaka!

Gora Kumbhar was also a saintly poet, and he was also a saint poet. He was an exclusive devotee of Vitthal of Pandharpur. Goroba was the oldest father in the Saints' church. All of them were called Gorobakaka. His village is Tara-Dhoki (also known as Satpuri or Teranga in this village) near Dharashiv-Osmanabad in Marathwada. Gorobacca remained immersed despite being professional. Their transcendental authority was large, their words were considered in the field of Pararmartika. The birth year of Goroba, which is a contemporary of Saint Dnyaneshwar-Namdeo etc. S Considered to be 1267.

Reminiscent of Mr. Vitthal would always be in his mouth. They did not have any idea about anything before the name. The next story about the dip in their devotion is given.

Once his wife had gone out to fetch water. She had asked them to look after their baby boy. Gorobacca was in unstoppable condition, mud clogging the soil needed to make Madki. Though they were stuck under the mud and mud, they did not know. If the wife sees water after coming to her, then her child was cured. Goroba's coconut came true when she broke the smile. By then the time had gone. The Gorka thought of what you did. They became very dense at the very high level. But after some time Viththal's grace saved his son alive and got his wife back. After this his wife also became a devotee of Vitthal.

(There is no faith in this incident, but there is no written word of Gorobakak, and 2-3 episodes have gone through oral tradition, and these incidents tell us about the idea of ​​their infinite devotion and their spiritual right.

A gathering of saints like Nivrittitanath, Dnyaneshwar Maharaj, Sopan Dev, Muktabai, Sant Namdev, Chokhamela, Visoba Khetar etc. were gathered at Saint-Goroba near Tair-Dhoki. On this occasion, on the request of Saint Dnyaneshwar, Gorobakak was told that a person who had examined everybody's head, who was hit by the head.

The available poetry of Saint Gorobe is minimal. About 20 of them have been included in the Sakalasant Gotha. Some of his writers are found in Badta at Samarth Vagdev temple in Dhule. Goroba was an inventive saint.

Nirguna's gifts have come in all. Few times multiply

Such an experience of Advaita Aksharakata appears to have been manifested in such an abhanga. 'Meen Gora Kumbhar' is their name-money.

Sage Gourob has seen the way in which the Saint Dnyaneshwar has enlightened the path of devotion. Saint Gorobakaka is the best example of being worshiped by God. His samadhi is in Ter. This village is located in present day Osmanabad district and is close to Latur.

(Important Notice- We are trying to improve translations in English. If there are any suggestions, mistakes, changes, please send us an email to This is not intended to hurt anyone's feelings.)
(महत्वपूर्ण सूचना - à¤†à¤®्ही इंग्रजीत भाषांतर सुधारण्याचे प्रयत्न करत आहोत. काही सूचना, चुका, बदल असतील तर आम्हाला या इमेल वर पाठवाव्यात. यामागे कुणाच्याही भावना दुखावण्याचा हेतू नाही.)



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History of Maharashtra in English: Saint Goroba Kumbhar
Saint Goroba Kumbhar
History of Maharashtra in English
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