Balasaheb Thackeray

English Translation-  (Please read the important instructions which are at the bottom before reading the translation.) Balasaheb T...

English Translation- 

(Please read the important instructions which are at the bottom before reading the translation.)

Balasaheb Thackeray
Balasaheb Thackeray (January 23, 1926; Pune - November 17, 2012; Mumbai) was the founder, politician, cartoonist, editor of Shiv Sena party in Maharashtra. This was the founder and founder of Sanghi, Marathi daily, and a major editor.

In the house of Prabodhana, on January 23, 1927, Balasaheb Thackeray was born in Pune. His father Keshav Sitaram Thakre alias Prabodhankar Thackeray was managing the public awareness through his writings, eloquence and work. The enlightenment used to clamber on unjust customs and racism. His contributions to the United Maharashtra movement were also important. The legacy of progressive thinking, progressive thinking, and aggressive thinking has also been realized in Balasaheb.

As a first artist - as a cartoonist - he started to comment on social issues. C. In 1950, he became a cartoonist in 'Free Press Journal'. Next time, he will be accompanied by veteran cartoonist R.K. Laxman also worked with him for some time. While working in the Free Press Journal, Balasaheb also worked in these areas for designing pictures and cartoons-advertisements for various organizations, companies and periodicals.

Later Balasaheb decided to leave his job and take his own weekly (cartoon). According to this decision, in August, In the 1960's, 'Marmik' started weekly. The 'Marmick' for the weekends was suggested by the enlightened writers. This is the first cartoon weekly in Marathi. The first issue of 'Marmik' was published at the hands of Chief Minister Yashwantrao Chavan. Or celebration Anant Kanekar was also present. Balasaheb initiated tension for the development of Maharashtra and for the awareness of Marathi man's self-respect. The United Maharashtra was established, but in Mumbai, there was an injustice to Marathi people. This question broke out by Marmick. When he came to Maharashtra, he tried to bring disrespect to the Marathi people through the first cartoon. C. From the 1960s till today, 'Marmik' plays a very important role in guiding all the important developments in the national and state level levels, and at every stage of history.

Produced in Maharashtra - Anger of Marathi hatred and the Marathi people - Disorder will not be removed by mere pictures. Balasaheb thought that there should be more organized efforts for this. Every roar of 'Har Har Mahadevchi' should be revived in the mind of Marathi people and every Marathi man should take pride in Maharashtra's self-respect. One day the father, Prabhodhankar Thakarene asked the question .. "If baby people gather, but will they give me the form of organization? "Balasaheb said." Though the thought is going on ... the name of the organization ... "" I say the name ... ..... Shiv Sena .......... After this, Balasaheb said on June 19, .s In 1966, Shiv Sena was formed. Maharashtra has a prosperous tradition of social reformers, but the Marathi man has remained behind. There are facilities in Maharashtra, but Marathi people are suffering from misery. There are industries in Maharashtra, but Marathi youth unemployed; Maharashtra has money, but Marathi people are poor. This situation was recognized by a microscopic observer like Balasaheb. Maharashtra is respected in India, but Marathi people are humiliated in Maharashtra (mainly in Mumbai). This contradiction was brought to the notice of Maharashtra by Balasaheb through Shivsena. Through this, the Marathi people were united. Shivsena's first rally on October 30, In 1966, it took place at Shivtirtha Maidan. About 5 lakh people had gathered at this gathering. From this gathering, the relationship between Shiv Sena chief Balasaheb and Shivtirtha (Shivaji Park) began to develop among the Marathi people. From now on till date, the crowd and balasaheb thackeray have not been able to math today.

Apart from the eloquence, penetrative writing is also an important feature of Balasaheb's personality. Prabodhankar Thackeray and Prahlad Keshav Atre are influenced by their writers. Apart from this, the cartoonist's eye-catching inspection is also among them. It is not an exaggeration if you say that 'Samna' is not only Shivsena's mouthpiece but a Maharashtrian, he is a hunky person. Seeing Maharashtra's full view of Bal Thackeray's editorials in 'Samna'

Shiv Sena chief Balasaheb and Bhup Shiv Sena-BJP in the demise of late leader Pramod Mahajan Alliance has been shaped. In addition to this, due to the storm-related meetings of the Chief of the Shiv Sena. In 1995, Shiv Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party government was formed in Maharashtra, and Manohar Joshi became the first Chief Minister of Shiv Sena. It was the first congressional government in the true sense of Maharashtra. It was only because of the rhetoric and work style of Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray.

Balasaheb had also expressed his views against Hindutva. The fanatics who create bombs, anti-national activities do not have the right to live in this country.Who should not be a part of the politics of ballad politics? He presented a clear idea to the people of Shiv Sainiks and the people - not to oppose the nationalist Muslim people who consider India as their country. This artificial achievement of the Hindu Rudhyasamrat is the result of this clear and arbitrary role. The declaration of 'proudly speaking we are Hindus' has been achieved in Maharashtra, due to Shiv Sena's motto.

Balasaheb's original concept of many schemes and projects, such as Jhunka-Bhakar Centers Scheme, old age chain, old age pension, housing for slum dwellers, Mumbai-Pune expressway, Mumbai's flyover, Bombay's name. BalaSaheb's criticism of the idea of ​​organizing anti-culture festivals like Valentine's Day, paraprasatias and against the Bangladeshi protesters. Balasaheb did not take any idea of ​​caste being cast in politics. He also wings in the youth's aspirations. That is why the Marathi youth of many caste groups have received various powers. This is the difference between other parties and Shiv Sena and other leaders and Balasaheb.

Balasaheb Thackeray did not play politics of caste politics, cooperative societies established by the sugar factories, and the unconstitutional state strategy. Balasaheb adopted this methodology, to identify young minds with pride, to understand the pulse of the masses, to express their pulse and propose them with the help of a single-or-aerotic oratory style and through aggressive organization. Balasaheb created such a number of leaders like Manohar Joshi, Sudhir Joshi, Pramod Navalkar, Madhukar Sarpotdar, Chagan Bhujbal, Suresh Prabhu, Anand Dighe, Dattaji Nalawade. Shiv Sena's current executive chief Uddhav Thackeray and Maharashtra Navnirman Sena Chief Raj Thackeray's son Raj Thackeray, of course, Balasaheb Thakre also have a big share. To give proper governance to the rule of power without holding any authority, politics itself - the rule of power, especially Balasaheb.

Many leaders come and go. Elections, publicity, post, money, and finally, statues of an idol are almost the end of the politics of most politicians. But a warrior's fiercely warrior never fades for the welfare of people. Shiv Sena chief Balasaheb Keshav Thackeray is the only warrior.

On 17th November, Balasaheb Thackeray He died at the residence of Matoshree at 15.30 PM at Mumbai.
(Important Notice- We are trying to improve translations in English. If there are any suggestions, mistakes, changes, please send us an email to This is not intended to hurt anyone's feelings.)

(महत्वपूर्ण सूचना - à¤†à¤®्ही इंग्रजीत भाषांतर सुधारण्याचे प्रयत्न करत आहोत. काही सूचना, चुका, बदल असतील तर आम्हाला या इमेल वर पाठवाव्यात. यामागे कुणाच्याही भावना दुखावण्याचा हेतू नाही.)



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History of Maharashtra in English: Balasaheb Thackeray
Balasaheb Thackeray
History of Maharashtra in English
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